Anthony Wang


The following is a list of some of the math/cs related projects that I have done.

Successful factorization of a 90 digit number

cosmicgenius/factorize: A self-initializing quadratic sieve implementation with large primes partial results and block Gaussian elimination, written in C++. Successfully factored a 100 digit RSA key on my laptop in 10 hours.

opalarchive/opal: A website allowing users to collaborate on shared problem databases, originally meant for facilitating math contest creation. Features included problem ratings, filtering, tags, comments, export to LaTeX, and connection to an personal external database. Designed with two friends.

Demo problem post that was used on opal

Made with React and Next.js, with a Node.js backend. Uses MongoDB for the main database, and Firebase for external databases. No longer being maintained.

A sample level from the game "Trains!"

Trains!: A puzzle game about controlling block-shaped trains in order to push enemies into water, inspired by Minecraft's pistons and games like Baba Is You. All sprites and game logic are mine. Made with Godot and gdscript.

A sample diagram produced by tsqx and Asymptote

cosmicgenius/tsqx, fork of cjquines/tsqx: An preprocessor for the Asymptote vector graphics language adding shorthand, especially for olympiad geometry, and lisp-like syntax. Written in Python.

A diagram with a point marked on an object 
              rolling without slipping

Tracking Points While Rolling Without Slipping: An article analyzing how to describe the trajectory of points on objects that are rolling without slipping, inspired by the classic coin rotation paradox and Project Euler problem 525.


Y. Gao, A. Wang (2023). Consecutive patterns in Coxeter groups. Journal of Algebra, Vol. 634, 650-666,